Perguntas Frequentes

how do I subscribe to your page? 

To subscribe, click the button "subscribe" or "watch it now". You’ll be redirectioned to the video and right after choose what type of subscription you want. enter your payment details and choose your subscription plan/time.

subscription options and how much?

we offer multiple subscription plans to suit different preferences:
monthly Subscription: ($30) monthly or one-time-only

weekly Subscription: ($15) per week. it could be different prices depending of the kind of content/category

daily Subscription: ($5) per day, per video

discounts, promotions or free may be available from time to time, so keep an eye or subscribe to our telegramX or instagram!

how often do content update is made?

regularly post or new content. be sure to follow on social media or telegram to stay updated with the latest posts and updates.

can I request custom content?

Yes, custom content requests are available! If you have a specific idea or request, please send a message on instagram, X or telegram. and the CM will tell to the marketing team, them, to production, them, to executives and them, if approved, gonna start the logistic plan and then, finally, the creation.

more questions and answer soon

we are fucking and jerking off every single day, so sometimes, we forget that the work is to update this area also...

Perguntas Frequentes

Quais os principais serviços que você oferece?

Qual é a sua especialidade?

Quais são seus termos e condições?

Que tipo de garantia você oferece (em trabalhos personalizados)?

pode fazer essas perguntas diretamente no X